Tune in here for the latest information about credit, interest rates, and the property market. We do our own research to give you the most current and accurate news.
I approach each real estate auction as an open reveal Poker Game intermingled with Mexican Standoffs and subtle Psychological Warfare tactics.
I can read the auctioneer and size up the other bidders. I know when and how to... Read more
The Federal Reserve is broadcasting, as soon as this Thursday 27 August 2020, that is going to unleash inflation in a big way.
Jerome Powell may well turn out to be the antithesis of former Fed Chair Paul Volcker.... Read more
We can now reach you online and help you buy and finance your home, with the same enjoyable and almost effortless experience that we created for our existing clients.
Now, a little bit about us.
We hold our own... Read more
As at close of business on Friday 10, July 2020 the bond traders, as implied by the Interest Rate Swap Yield curve, say that the Reserve Bank will not increase interest rate until July 2023.
Their expectations can change at... Read more
Further official cash rate cuts are possible if a global Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic develops and is sustained for longer and substantially hurts the economy.
The market’s 0.25% rate cut pricing (reflected in the below interest rate yield curve as... Read more
What is the Yield Curve implying?
The below graph plots the Implied Forward Interest Rate yield curve (blue line) which is derived from the Interest Rate Swap yield curve (red line) as at 31 December 2019.
Any changes to today's yield... Read more
While it certainly is true that higher interest rates increase borrowing costs, this generally happens in periods with higher economic growth, rising inflation, rising incomes, higher levels of employment and increasing consumer confidence.
House prices also fluctuate on supply and... Read more
The Australian Securities and Investment Commission released their updated RG209 guidelines for all credit licensees (banks, mortgage brokers, finance companies, etc).
This is the most astonishing example ASIC gave on how a lender can meet their Responsible Lending Obligations of... Read more
I have been contacted by a prospective purchaser seeking assistance with bidding on a property she was interested in and advertised on openn.com.au; and credit advice and brokering on her loan.
The short answer was "Welcome to online auction bidding".... Read more
Not often you will find graphs that show what your great grandparents paid for their house and what their home loan interest rate was at the time.
Now you do.
Owner Occupied Variable Home Loan Interest Rates since 1959.
... Read more