
Tune in here for the latest information about credit, interest rates, and the property market. We do our own research to give you the most current and accurate news.

Auction Bidding Service

We charge a flat fee of $250 including GST to bid at auction, because to us auctions are effortless and a breeze, and not everyone can afford the exorbitant fees others may charge. I can read the auctioneer and size... Read more

It’s a BIG Club & You Ain’t In It! Unless you are a…

One is a hard-working layperson. The other is an equally hard-working person, a Medical Practitioner or Dental Practitioner, Optometrist, Veterinary Practitioner, Anaesthetist, Dermatologist, GP, Paediatric Practitioner, Obstetrician, Physician, Ophthalmologist, Psychiatrist, Radiation Oncologist, Radiologist, Surgeon, Solicitor, Barrister, QC, Judge, Partner in... Read more


TODAY’S HOME LOAN INTEREST RATES A competitive Owner-Occupied Home Loan variable interest rate today would be about 2.15% compared to 2.45% in May 2021; a 2-year fixed would be about 2.80% today compared to 1.85% in May 2021; a 3-year... Read more